About Us

Let Business Be was born at the Plough Inn in Cobham Surrey in England

Its founders were four people from the marketing and digital agency world. Brought together by a common cause, they had hired a meeting room in The Plough inn in Surrey on the 9th of March 2023. All had considered themselves apolitical and perhaps 'small c'  conservatives. For each one the reaction to Covid-19  by the UK and other governments across the world was an epiphany. Although already exasperated by the impact of woke ideology, and government overreach, the believed the events of 2020  lead them to believe they had a better understanding of what was failing in the politics of the western world today, and as small business owners, how they were surrounded by hostile forces. 

They believed these forces had been growing in influence, but the release of the Covid-19 viral bio-weapon and its failed antidote from the same stable had, rather than shaming and exposing the pharma-governmental alliance, emboldened much of the elite to make a power grab. This exacerbated what had already been a challenging landscape for any business that did not have global scale and political friends. As well as the endless increase in bureaucracy already faced, personal and business taxes increased further, DEI initiatives were being weaponised to interfere with recruitment and add further costs, and censorship meant that critical opinions and free speech were stifled.

They felt something must be done. The mainstream political parties, media and big business were generally so corrupted by the benefits accruing to them by the status quo that they had no interest in the need for grassroots free enterprise and the health of smaller businesses.

However, although fundamentally opposed to almost all of the current policies of the two mainstream political parties, the four felt that they didn't want to take a specific political direction. They wanted their businesses and those of other entrepreneurs to thrive first and foremost. What the fight was for them was for the spirit of free enterprise. That in terms of how the elite, global monopoly businesses and cartels and governments impacted them - almost all of these things amounted to interferences in their freedom to conduct their business unhindered. What they wanted to resist were the ideologies that had imposed demands for equalities of outcome, lockdowns, shut and bankrupted industries in the deranged response to Covid-19 and the associated inflation and rise in interest rates caused by the combination of restrained economic activity and massive government spending. They also wanted to build resistance to the ideologies that are now causing massive energy price increases and the dogmatic imposition of Net Zero and all its associated madnesses.

Not used to speaking on the stump, Chris Bullick and Lee Taylor nevertheless made impassioned speeches in the packed private snug at the Plough Inn as the beer flowed. Despite the highly dissident nature of what they said, there was universal agreement among the group that we were living in very challenging times for freedom, and free enterprise and free speech, and we should do something about it. Polling the room, a young female attendee seemed to put her finger on the pulse when we asked how we should refer to ourselves as. She said: “It should be ‘Let Business be Business’. We really just want to be left alone to get on with it". Later this was shortened simply to LBB – ‘Let Business Be’.



